Part 5


    Cardcage configuration tables

   How to use the cardcage configuration tables:

   Boards are listed in order of priority, from top to bottom. If two
boards would prefer to be installed in the same slot, whichever board is
toward the top of the table wins, unless the lower board cannot be
installed in any other slot.

   Many boards can be installed in any of several slots. The most
desirable slot is indicated with "A", the second most desirable with
"B", and so on.

   Note that many boards are unfortunately not listed. Also note that
these are only the official Sun-recommended board orders; in many cases
boards will work in other slots. Consult the listings for the individual
boards. Note that memory boards usually need to be in the recommended
positions, since there is usually a special memory bus in the backplane
to which all memory boards must connect.



        board                   slot:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9

        CPU 501-1007/1051               A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        1st memory 501-1013/1048        -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        2nd memory 501-1013/1048        -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -
        3rd memory 501-1013/1048        -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -
        4th memory 501-1013/1048        -  -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -
        ALM-8 USART 370-1046            -  -  -  -  -  A  -  -  -
        ALM-8 controller 370-1047       -  -  -  -  -  -  A  -  -
        mono framebuffer 501-1003/1052  -  -  -  -  B  A  -  -  -  *
        1st SCP 370-1049                -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  -
        2nd SCP 370-1049                -  -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B
        SCSI/serial 501-1006            -  -  -  B  A  -  C  D  E
        1st Ethernet 501-1004/370-0288  -  -  A  B  C  -  D  E  F
        2nd Ethernet 501-1004/370-0288  -  -  -  A  B  -  C  D  E
        1st 1/2" tape controller        -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C  **
        2nd 1/2" tape controller        -  -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B
        1st SMD controller 370-1012     -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C
        2nd SMD controller 370-1012     -  -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B
        Sky FFP 370-1021                -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C
        Color processor 501-0461        -  -  F  E  D  -  C  B  A

        *  In older backplanes (501-1090), slot 6 must be occupied by
           either a monochrome framebuffer board or a P2 terminator
           board. Newer backplanes do not need external P2 termination.

        ** Either the Computer Products Corporation TAPEMASTER
           (370-0502?/0167?) or the Xylogics 472 1/2" 6250bpi tape
           controller (370-0502?).


        board           slot:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15
        CPU 501-1007/1051       A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        1st mem 501-1013/1048   -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        2nd mem 501-1013/1048   -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        3rd mem 501-1013/1048   -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        4th mem 501-1013/1048   -  -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        mono fb 501-1003/1052   -  -  -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        1st SCP 370-1049        -  -  -  -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        2nd SCP 370-1049        -  -  -  -  -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
        SCSI/serial 501-1006    -  -  -  B  A  -  C  D  E  -  -  -  -  -  -
        1st Ethernet            -  -  A  B  C  -  D  E  F  G  -  -  -  -  - *
        2nd Ethernet            -  -  -  A  B  -  C  D  E  F  G  -  -  -  - *
        1st 1/2" tape ctrl      -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C  D  E  F  -  -  - **
        2nd 1/2" tape ctrl      -  -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C  D  E  F  -  - **
        1st SMD ctrl 370-1012   -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  -
        2nd SMD ctrl 370-1012   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H
        Sky FFP 370-1021        -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I
        Color proc 501-0461     -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  A
        ALM-14 ctrl 370-1047    -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I
        ALM-14 USART 370-1048   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H

        *  Either the Sun 501-1004 or the 3COM 370-0288.

        ** Either the Computer Products Corporation TAPEMASTER
           (370-0502?/0167?) or the Xylogics 472 1/2" 6250bpi tape
           controller (370-0502?).


   Note that VME cards frequently have "springfingers" on their rear
edges, metal strips that are installed between the edge of the PC board
and the outer panel to reduce RFI emissions, with serrated metal
"fingers" protruding from either side of the strip. If a board with
springfingers is installed next to a board without springfingers, there
must be a plastic insulator shield over the fingers on the side toward
the fingerless board, to prevent possible shorting of component leads to
the springfingers.

   VME cardcages (except for the 2/50 and the 3/75) also have jumpers on
the backplane itself, one set per slot, which must be set appropriately
for the board in the corresponding slot. These jumpers are marked Px0y,
where x is the number of the slot and y is the number of the jumper.
Jumpers Px00, Px01, and Px02 must always be installed in normal use.
Jumpers Px03 (BG3) and Px04 (IACK) are installed according to the board
in the slot, and always installed for empty slots. Note that 2/130 and
2/160 systems shipped before 11/1/85 did not have these jumpers
installed by default. The highest-numbered slot is usually (always?)
missing Px04. Note that the jumpers are usually (always?) on the
opposite side of the backplane from the VME connectors and are usually
(always?) accessed via a panel in the front of the machine.


        board                   slot:   1  2

        CPU 501-1141/1142/1143 *        A  -
        memory/SCSI/FFP **              -  A

        *  501-1141     1M CPU
           501-1142     2M CPU
           501-1143     4M CPU

        ** 501-1020     1M memory
           501-1046     2M memory
           501-1067     3M memory
           501-1047     4M memory
           501-1079     0M memory
           501-1147     501-1079 0M memory + 501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI
           501-1148     501-1079 0M memory + 370-1029 Sky FFP

           The 501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI and 370-1029 Sky FFP may also be
           piggybacked on the 1-4M memory boards, but there is no
           separate part number for these combinations.

    2/130, 2/160

        board           slot:   1  2  3  4& 5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 Px03 Px04
        CPU 501-1144/1145/1146* A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  UN   UN
        memory **               -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  JU   JU
        GP 501-1055             -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  UN   UN
        GB 501-1058             -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  JU   JU
        color fb 501-1014/1116  -  -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  JU   UN
        ALM 501-1157            -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  && A  UN   N/A
        SCSI 501-1149           -  -  -  -  -  A  -  -  -  -  -  -  UN   UN
        1st SCP 501-1158 &      -  -  A  B  C  D  E  -  -  -  -  -  UN   UN
        2nd SCP 501-1158 &      -  -  -  A  B  C  D  E  -  -  -  -  UN   UN
        1st MAPKIT 501-1202 &   -  -  A  AB BC CD DE EF FG G  -  -  UN#  UN#
        2nd MAPKIT 501-1202 &   -  -  -  -  A  AB BC CD DE EF FG G  UN#  UN#
        1st 1/2" tape ctrl ##   -  -  A@ B@ C@ D  E  F  G  H  I  J  UN   UN
        2nd 1/2" tape ctrl ##   -  -  -  A@ B@ C  D  E  F  G  H  I  UN   UN
        1st SMD ctrl @@         -  -  A@ B@ C@ D  E  F  G  H  I  J  UN   UN
        2nd SMD ctrl @@         -  -  -  A@ B@ C  D  E  F  G  H  I  UN   UN
        Sky FFP 501-1151        -  -  -  -  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  JU   JU
        (2nd) Ethernet 501-1153 -  -  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  UN   UN
        1st IPC 501-1125        -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  B  -  A  JU   UN
        2nd IPC 501-1125        -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  B  -  A  -  JU   UN
        3rd IPC 501-1125        -  -  -  -  -  -  -  B  -  A  -  -  JU   UN
        4th IPC 501-1125        -  -  -  -  -  -  B  -  A  -  -  -  JU   UN

        *  501-1144     1M CPU
           501-1145     2M CPU
           501-1146     4M CPU

        ** 501-1070     1M memory
           501-1096     2M memory
           501-1071     3M memory
           501-1097     4M memory

        &  Slot 4 cannot be populated with other than a 501-1058
           graphics buffer (GB) when a 501-1055 graphics processor (GP)
           is in slot 3, unless the Multibus-VME converter (used on the
           GP?) is 501-1054-04 rev A or later. Otherwise, there will be
           contention on the "GP/GB bus".

        && The 501-1157 ALM covers two slots (11 and 12) but only
           connects electrically to 12. Hence, treat slot 11 as empty
           (i.e. jump both P1103 and P1104).

        #  The 501-1202 MAPKIT covers two slots but only connects
           electrically to the lower-numbered slot. Hence, treat the
           higher-numbered slot as empty (i.e. jump both Px03 and Px04).

        ## 501-1155     Xylogics 472 1/2" tape controller (6250bpi)
           501-1156     CPC 1/2" tape controller (1600bpi)

        @  Do not place either a 1/2" tape controller or an SMD
           controller in a slot to the left of the SCSI board. Doing so
           may adversely impact the functionality of the SCSI subsystem.

        @@ 501-1154     Xylogics 450 SMD controller in Multibus-VME converter
           501-1166     Xylogics 451 SMD controller in Multibus-VME converter


        board                   slot:   1  2

        CPU 501-1163/1164 *             A  -
        memory/SCSI **                  -  A

        *  501-1163     2M CPU
           501-1164     4M CPU

        ** 501-1111     2M memory
           501-1122     4M memory
           501-1121     0M memory
           501-1172     501-1121 0M memory + 501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI

           The 501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI may also be piggybacked on the 2M
           or 4M memory boards, but there is no separate part number for
           these combinations.


        board           slot:   1  2* 3* Px03 Px04
        CPU 501-1134/1209       A  -  -   UN   UN
        1st 4M RAM 501-1132     -  A  -   JU   JU
        2nd 4M RAM 501-1132     -  -  A   JU   JU
        FPA 501-1105            -  A  B   JU   JU
        1st SCP 501-1158 *      -  A  B   UN   UN
        2nd SCP 501-1158 *      -  -  A   UN   UN
        MAPKIT 501-1202         -  A  A   UN** UN**
        SCSI 501-1138           -  B  A   UN   UN
        (2nd) Ethernet 501-1153 -  B  A   UN   UN
        1st IPC 501-1125        -  B  A   JU   UN
        2nd IPC 501-1125        -  A  -   JU   UN

        *  If you wish to install a Multibus-VME converter-based board
           in slots 2 and 3, you just use converters 501-1054-04 rev A
           or later to avoid contention on the P2 memory bus.

        ** The 501-1202 MAPKIT covers slots 2 and 3 but only connects
           electrically to slot 2. Hence, treat slot 3 as empty (i.e.
           jump both P303 and P304).


        board           slot:   1  2* 3* Px03 Px04
        CPU 501-1164            A  -  -   UN   UN
        1st memory **           -  A  -   JU   JU
        2nd memory **           -  -  A   JU   JU
        FPA 501-1105            -  A  B   JU   JU
        1st SCP 501-1158 *      -  A  B   UN   UN
        2nd SCP 501-1158 *      -  -  A   UN   UN
        MAPKIT 501-1202         -  A  A   UN#  UN#
        SCSI 501-1138           -  B  A   UN   UN
        (2nd) Ethernet 501-1153 -  B  A   UN   UN
        1st IPC 501-1125        -  B  A   JU   UN
        2nd IPC 501-1125        -  A  -   JU   UN

        *  If you wish to install a Multibus-VME converter-based board
           in slots 2 and 3, you just use converters 501-1054-04 rev A
           or later to avoid contention on the P2 memory bus.

        ** 501-1131     2M memory
           501-1132     4M memory

        #  The 501-1202 MAPKIT covers slots 2 and 3 but only connects
           electrically to slot 2. Hence, treat slot 3 as empty (i.e.
           jump both P303 and P304).

    Repairs and modifications

   These instructions have been garnered from various sources on the net
and come with no warranty whatsoever. If you try a procedure described
here and trash your hardware or yourself, or anything else bad happens,
it's your problem. You have been warned.

1) Toasted serial ports on a 3/60

        There are two RS-232 UARTs on the motherboard, one for the
        keyboard/mouse and one for the two serial ports. On at least one
        revision of the motherboard, these UARTs are Zilog Z85C008PSC
        chips socketed in locations U400 and U401. However, the chips
        more likely to be fried are the driver chips, which are right
        behind the serial ports on the motherboard, and are labelled on
        the bottom of the motherboard: U409 (26LS29), U411 (26LS29),
        U406 (26LS32), U413 (26LS32), and U407 (26LS32). If replacing
        these chips doesn't help matters, the capacitors (U412) near
        these chips are also prone to failure. Additionally, there is a
        resistor pack for each port (R401 and R402) which may be

2) Philips monochrome monitor repair

        Components likely to fail:

                the flyback transformer (available from Sun)
                capacitor C209 (replace with 10uF tantalum, 35-50V)
                capacitor C207 (replace with temperature-stable
                                1000pF (0.001uF) capacitor)

        In addition, the following capacitors have failed at one time or
        another on various monitors:

                C205, C412, C401, C315, C318
                C421 (replace with cap rated for 63V or better)

        The R215 and R216 470-ohm vitreous-coated wirewound resistors
        run very hot and may split. They also get very delicate and may
        fail if bumped.

    Part number index

   Sun part numbers have four sections, xxx-yyyy-zz Rev ?, where xxx is
a three digit number which seems to indicate a major grouping of part
types, yyyy is a four digit number which indicates the individual part,
and zz is a two digit number and ? is a letter which between them
indicate the revision level of the part. The parts are indexed below by
the first two sections only.

   Note that some 501- parts may be marked 270- instead of or in
addition to the 501- part number. If you have a 270- part number, try
looking under 501-.

   Note that these part numbers have been gleaned from all over,
including a lot of for-sale postings on the net. Take them with a grain
of salt.

   A '*' between the part number and the description means that more
extensive information on the part is available elsewhere in this

150-1162     fuse, 1.5A, SPARCstation IPC motherboard
150-1346     external SCSI active terminator
150-1974     fuse, 2A, SPARCstation IPC motherboard
180-1097     6' 115VAC power cable right angle
180-1117     video power cable
270-1049     6U/9U VME converter with backplane SCSI passthrough
270-1138     6U/9U VME converter with external SCSI connector
270-1402     bw2 analog/ECL framebuffer 3/80 P4
289-8849     type-3 keyboard
300-1016     3/160 850W Fuji PS
300-1028     176W Sun-3 shoebox PS, 5 taps (California DC)
300-1038     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) 85W power supply
300-1045     134W Sun-3 shoebox PS, 4 taps (Computer Products (Boschert))
300-1065     690MP 1200W power supply
300-1073     S2000 power supply 2410W
300-1080     60W shoebox power supply
300-1081     Sparc 10 140W power supply
300-1096     power supply 269W Zytek
300-1100     S2000 AC distribution box
300-1105     44W shoebox power supply
300-1215     SPARCstation 5/20 power supply 150W
300-8504     386i power supply 265W
320-1005     type-4 US/UK keyboard
320-1009     type-4 UK keyboard
320-1040     type-4 Japanese keyboard
320-1072     type-5 US keyboard
320-1073     type-5 US/Unix keyboard
320-1085     type-5 UK keyboard
330-1228     hard drive holder
330-1242     hard drive holder
330-1304     SPARCstation IPC light pipe
340-1720     mounting bracket in Sun-3 shoebox
340-2611     fan 690 SCSI tray
360-1000     19" color monitor
360-1014     19" mono monitor
360-1015     15" color monitor (Hitachi HM4115) 1152x900 4BNC
360-1033     14" color monitor (Seiko CM1421) 1024x768 4BNC
365-1000     19/20" color monitor (Hitachi HM4119SA) 1152x900 4BNC
365-1005     19" mono monitor (Displaytek L7201SY01) 1600x1280 DB9
365-1006     19" color monitor (Hitachi) 4BNC
365-1007     19" mono monitor (Motorola) 1600x1280 DB9
365-1009     19" grayscale monitor (Philips) 2BNC
365-1010     19" grayscale monitor (Philips) 1152x900 2BNC
365-1011     19" mono monitor (Philips) 240VAC DB9
365-1013     19" mono monitor (Philips) DB9
365-1014     19" mono monitor (Philips) 240VAC DB9
365-1016     19" mono monitor (Elston DM19A0) 1152x900 DB9
365-1020   * 16" color monitor (Sony Trinitron) 4BNC? 13W3? 115VAC
365-1021     19" mono monitor
365-1022     16" color monitor (Sony) 240VAC 4BNC
365-1033     19" color monitor (Sony Trinitron)
365-1037     19" mono monitor 1152x900
365-1038     19" color monitor (Sony GDM-1604) 1152x900 4BNC
365-1039     19" color monitor (Sony) 240VAC 4BNC
365-1044     19" mono monitor (Philips) DB9
365-1045     19" mono monitor (Philips) 240VAC DB9
365-1047     19" mono monitor (Motorola L7201SY01) 1600x1280 DB9
365-1051     19" mono monitor (Philips) 115/240VAC 1152x900 DB9
365-1053     19" grayscale monitor (Philips) 2BNC
365-1054     19" color monitor (Hitachi) 240VAC 4BNC
365-1055     17" grayscale monitor (Zenith) 90-240VAC 13W3
365-1056     19" color monitor (Hitachi) 115VAC 4BNC
365-1059     mouse and pad kit
365-1063   * 16" color monitor (Sony Trinitron GDM-1604B15) 13W3 115VAC 1024x768
365-1065     19" color monitor (Sony GDM-1955A15) 1152x900 13W3
365-1066     19" color monitor (Sony GDM-1955A40) 1152x900 240VAC 13W3
365-1071     19" grayscale monitor (Philips) 1152x900 13W3
365-1073     19" color monitor 115/240VAC
365-1079     16" color (Sony Trinitron) 13W3
365-1080     16" color monitor (Sony Trinitron GDM-1604A40) 1024x768 240VAC 13W3
365-1081     19" color monitor (Sony Trinitron) 115VAC 13W3
365-1082     19" color monitor (Sony Trinitron) 240VAC 13W3
365-1086     19" mono monitor (Philips) 1152x900 DB9
365-1087     19" mono monitor (Philips) 1152x900 DB9
365-1089     SPARCprinter engine
365-1092     16" color monitor (Sony Trinitron) 13W3
365-1093     16" color monitor (Sony Trinitron GDM-1604B40) 240VAC 13W3
365-1094     17" grayscale monitor (Zenith) 90-240VAC 13W3
365-1095     19" color monitor (Sony) multisync 115/240VAC 13W3
365-1099     19" grayscale monitor (Hitachi? Philips?) multisync 115/240VAC 13W3
365-1100     17" grayscale monitor (71.7KHz horiz, 76Hz vert, 1152x900)
365-1112     19" color monitor (Sony Trinitron) multisync
365-1113   * 16" monitor (Sony) multisync 115/240VAC 13W3
365-1123     19" mono monitor (Motorola L7201SY01) 115VAC 1600x1280 DB9
365-1128     19" mono monitor (Motorola L7201SY01) 115VAC 1600x1280 DB9
365-1130     16/17" color monitor (Sony GDM-1662B) multisync 115/240VAC 13W3
365-1140     19" grayscale monitor (Philips) multisync 13W3
365-1143     16/17" color monitor (Philips C1764) 1152x900 13W3
365-1144     19" mono high-res monitor
365-1151   * 16" monitor (Sony) 13W3 115/240VAC
365-1154     19" grayscale monitor 76Hz vert
365-1159   * 16/17" color monitor (Sony Trinitron GDM-1662B) 13W3 115/240VAC
365-1160     19" Sun color monitor 76Hz vert, multiscan 13W3
365-1167     flat-screen color monitor (Sony GDM-20D10)
365-1168     19/20" grayscale monitor multiscan
365-1316     17" Sun color monitor
365-1324     20" flat-screen color monitor (Sony GDM-20D10) 13W3 multiscan
370-0167 ? * Computer Products Corporation TAPEMASTER Multibus
370-0288     See 501-0288
370-0502 ? * Computer Products Corporation TAPEMASTER Multibus
370-0502 ?   Xylogics 472 1/2" 6250bpi tape controller Multibus
370-0551     141M Micropolis ESDI drive
370-1010   * Adaptec ACB4000 SCSI-MFM controller
370-1011   * Sysgen SC4000 SCSI/QIC-II controller
370-1012   * Xylogics 450 Multibus SMD controller
370-1021   * Sky Fast Floating-point Processor (FFP) Multibus
370-1029     Sky Fast Floating-point Processor (FFP) 6U VME
370-1039     ALM-8 set (370-1046/1047)
370-1040     ALM-14 set (370-1047/1048)
370-1046     ALM-8 USART Multibus
370-1047     ALM-8/14 controller Multibus
370-1048     ALM-14 USART Multibus
370-1049     SCP Multibus
370-1065     fan assembly
370-1095     type-3 keyboard
370-1133     327M Micropolis ESDI drive
370-1165     690 power sequencer
370-1170     Sun-4 mouse
370-1200     104M Quantum SCSI drive
370-1207     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) 1.44M floppy drive
370-1218     150M SCSI QIC tape
370-1247     60M 1/4" tape drive
370-1312     white bezel CD-ROM
370-1327     207M Maxtor SCSI drive
370-1347     black bezel Sony CD-ROM
370-1354     3.5" Sony floppy drive
370-1368     Sun-4 mouse pad
370-1377     1.3G SCSI disk
370-1379     S2000 fan assembly
370-1388     SM100 dual Ross CPU module 40MHz
370-1392     424M SCSI disk
370-1407     cg12 GS SBus framebuffer (triple slot)
370-1414     microphone
370-1420     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) 1.44M floppy drive
370-1546     1.05G SCSI disk
370-8012     power supply for SMD cabinet
501-0288   * 3COM 3C400 Multibus Ethernet
501-0289   * Multibus color video
501-0461     Color processor Multibus
501-1003   * Multibus monochrome video/keyboard/mouse ECL-only
501-1004   * Sun-2 Multibus Ethernet
501-1006   * Sun-2 SCSI/serial Multibus
501-1007   * 100U,2/120,2/170 CPU board
501-1013   * 1M Multibus RAM
501-1014   * 2/130, 2/160 color framebuffer VME (also 3/1xx, 3/2xx, 3/4xx)
501-1020     2/50 1M memory VME
501-1045   * 6U VME "Sun-2" SCSI host adapter
501-1046     2/50 2M memory VME
501-1047     2/50 4M memory VME
501-1048   * 1M Multibus RAM
501-1051   * 2/120, 2/170 Multibus CPU board
501-1052   * Multibus monochrome video/keyboard/mouse ECL/TTL
501-1054     Multibus-VME converter
501-1055   * GP graphics processor VME
501-1058   * GB graphics buffer VME
501-1067     2/50 3M memory VME
501-1070     2/130, 2/160 1M memory VME
501-1071     2/130, 2/160 3M memory VME
501-1074     3/1xx (Carerra) VME CPU board (?)
501-1075   * 3/50 motherboard
501-1079     2/50 0M memory VME
501-1089   * cg3 framebuffer VME
501-1090     2/120 9-slot Multibus backplane
501-1094     3/1xx (Carerra) VME CPU board (?)
501-1096     2/130, 2/160 2M memory VME
501-1097     2/130, 2/160 4M memory VME
501-1100   * 3/2xx VME CPU board
501-1102   * 3/2xx,4/2xx 8M RAM
501-1104     cg2 framebuffer VME
501-1105     FPA VME
501-1111     3/1xx 2M VME
501-1116   * cg3 framebuffer VME 4BNC
501-1121     3/1xx 0M VME
501-1122     3/1xx 4M VME
501-1125     IPC (floppy/parallel)
501-1129     4/2xx VME CPU board
501-1131   * 3/1xx 2M VME
501-1132   * 3/1xx 4M VME
501-1133   * 3/50 motherboard
501-1134     3/110 CPU VME
501-1138   * combo: 501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI in 270-1138 6U/9U VME
501-1139   * GP+ graphics accelerator VME
501-1141     2/50 (2/130, 2/160 ?) 1M CPU VME
501-1142     2/50 (2/130, 2/160 ?) 2M CPU VME
501-1143     2/50 (2/130, 2/160 ?) 4M CPU VME
501-1144     2/130, 2/160 1M CPU VME
501-1145     2/130, 2/160 2M CPU VME
501-1146     2/130, 2/160 4M CPU VME
501-1147     combo: 501-1079 2/50 0M VME + 501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI 6U VME
501-1148     combo: 501-1079 2/50 0M VME + 370-1029 Sky FFP 6U VME
501-1149   * combo: 501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI in 270-1059 6U/9U VME
501-1151     Sky FFP VME
501-1153     Ethernet VME (Intel ethernet chip)
501-1154     Xylogics 450 SMD controller, Multibus in Multibus-VME converter
501-1155     Xylogics 472 1/2" tape controller (6250bpi) VME
501-1156     CPC 1/2" tape controller (1600bpi) VME
501-1157     ALM VME
501-1158     SCP VME
501-1162   * 3/50 motherboard
501-1163     3/1xx (Carerra) VME CPU board 2M
501-1164     3/1xx (Carerra) VME CPU board 4M
501-1166     Xylogics 451 SMD controller, Multibus in Multibus-VME converter
501-1167   * combo: 501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI in 270-1059 6U/9U VME
501-1170   * combo: 501-1236 "Sun-3" SCSI in 270-1059 6U/9U VME
501-1172     combo: 501-1121 3/1xx 0M VME + 501-1045 "Sun-2" SCSI 6U VME
501-1191     3x2 SCSI W/O P2
501-1199     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1202     MAPKIT VME
501-1203     ALM VME
501-1205   * 3/60 motherboard
501-1206   * 3/2xx VME CPU board
501-1207   * 3/50 motherboard
501-1208     3/1xx (Carerra) VME CPU board (?)
501-1209     3/110 CPU VME
501-1210     cg4 framebuffer P4 3/60 4BNC
501-1214     IPC VME (286 with 1M, floppy port, parallel port)
501-1217   * combo: 501-1236 "Sun-3" SCSI in 270-1138 6U/9U VME
501-1232   * 4M Multibus RAM
501-1236   * 6U VME "Sun-3" SCSI host adapter
501-1237     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1239     1M x 9 SIMM 36-pin 100ns
501-1241     386i/150 motherboard
501-1243     color framebuffer 386i 1152x900
501-1244     mono framebuffer 386i 1152x900
501-1247     mg3 framebuffer P4 4/110 DB9
501-1248     cg4 framebuffer 4BNC
501-1249     Xylogics 7053 SMD controller VME
501-1254     32M RAM VME
501-1267   * cg5 framebuffer VME
501-1268   * gp2 graphics accelerator VME
501-1274     4/2xx CPU VME
501-1276     FDDI/DX VME
501-1277     3/50, 3/60 chassis
501-1278     gp2 graphics processor VME
501-1280     2-port X.25
501-1286     color framebuffer 386i 1024x768 53KHz horizontal, 66Hz vertical
501-1299     3/4xx VME CPU board
501-1316     4/3xx VME CPU board
501-1319   * cg3 framebuffer VME 1024x1024
501-1322   * 3/60 motherboard
501-1324     386i/250 motherboard
501-1334   * 3/60 motherboard
501-1345   * 3/60 motherboard
501-1352     GXi graphics accelerator 386i
501-1371     cg8 framebuffer 3/60 P4
501-1374     cg6 framebuffer P4? VME? 13W3
501-1378     3/60LE motherboard
501-1381     4/4xx VME CPU board
501-1382     4/60 (SPARCstation 1) motherboard
501-1383   * TAAC-1 accelator, POP board, VME
501-1397     VGA/EGA board 386i
501-1401     3/80 motherboard
501-1402     mg4 framebuffer P4 3/80
501-1407     24-bit FRAM buffer SPARCstation 10
501-1413     386i/250 motherboard
501-1414     386i/150 motherboard
501-1415     cg3 framebuffer SBus
501-1419     mg1 framebuffer SBus
501-1423     386i memory board, 8M of 1Mx9 100ns SIMMs
501-1433     mono framebuffer 386i 64KHz horizontal, 66Hz vertical
501-1434   * cg9 framebuffer VME
501-1443     cg4 framebuffer VME 13W3
501-1447   * TAAC-1 accelerator, DFB board, VME
501-1450     Ethernet SBus
501-1455     mg2 framebuffer SBus 13W3
501-1462     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1463     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1464     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1465     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1481     cg6 framebuffer SBus
501-1483     DC to DC converter for mg3 framebuffer 3/80
501-1491     4/2xx VME CPU board
501-1505     cg6 framebuffer (P4 3/80)? VME? 13W3
501-1511     Serial/parallel SPC/S
501-1512     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1513     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1514     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1515     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1516     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1517     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1518     cg8 framebuffer P4? VME? 13W3
501-1522     4/2xx VME CPU board
501-1532     cg6 framebuffer (P4 3/60)? VME? 13W3
501-1550     3/4xx VME CPU board
501-1561     mg2 framebuffer SBus 13W3
501-1563     4/3xx VME memory (1M or 4M SIMMs, max 48M/192M)
501-1567     mono framebuffer 386i 1152x900
501-1568     mono framebuffer 386i 1024x768 64KHz horizontal 66Hz vertical
501-1577     cg8 framebuffer 13W3
501-1624     gt (Graphics Tower) graphics accelerator 13W3
501-1625     4M SIMM (SPARCstation 1/1+/2, SPARCstation IPC)
501-1627     4/20 (SPARCstation SLC) motherboard
501-1629     4/60 (SPARCstation 1) motherboard
501-1632     4/65 (SPARCstation 1+) motherboard
501-1637     mg3 framebuffer P4 3/80 DB9
501-1638     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) motherboard
501-1645     cg6 framebuffer SBus 2-slot 13W3
501-1650     3/80 motherboard
501-1656     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1657     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1658     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1659     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1660     4/110 VME CPU board
501-1672     cg6 framebuffer SBus 13W3
501-1680     4/20 (SPARCstation SLC) motherboard
501-1689   * 4/40 (SPARCstation IPC) motherboard
501-1690   * 4/40 (SPARCstation IPC) motherboard
501-1692     Graphics Tower SBus to GT front end interface
501-1693     Graphics Tower SBus adapter
501-1698     4M SIMM SPARCstation SLC
501-1706     Videopics framegrabber SBus 2RCA
501-1718     cg3 framebuffer SBus 66/76Hz vertical 13W3
501-1720     4/20 (SPARCstation SLC) motherboard
501-1725     HSI/S high-speed sync serial
501-1727     HSI SBus PCB
501-1730     4/25 (SPARCstation ELC) motherboard
501-1733     motherboard SPARCstation 10
501-1739     4Mx9 SIMM 80ns
501-1742     4/3xx VME CPU board
501-1744     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) motherboard
501-1748     4/20 (SPARCstation SLC) motherboard
501-1776     4/20 (SPARCstation SLC) motherboard
501-1777     4/20 (SPARCstation SLC) motherboard
501-1785     16M SIMM Sparc 10
501-1817     8M 70ns SIMM 1000/200
501-1817     8M SIMM SPARCserver 1000/SPARCcenter 2000
501-1822     16M SIMM SPARCstation IPX
501-1835   * 4/40 (SPARCstation IPC) motherboard
501-1840     SBus expansion adapter
501-1845     ZX accelerated frame buffer
501-1847     Prestoserve NFS accelerator VME
501-1850     SCSI SBus
501-1855   * ISP-80 IPI disk controller
501-1859     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) CPU
501-1861     4/25 (SPARCstation ELC) motherboard
501-1866     SPARCcenter 2000 motherboard
501-1860     SBE/S SCSI/Ethernet SBus
501-1881     Ethernet SBus
501-1894     4/690 cpu
501-1897     670MP CPU
501-1899     4/4xx cpu 0M W/FPP
501-1902     SBus differential SCSI
501-1909     cg3 framebuffer SBus
501-1915     16M SIMM SPARCstation IPX
501-1930     64M SIMM for SPARCstation 10
501-1932     SBus token ring
501-1955     SBus expansion
501-1957     SCSI tray ID board
501-1981     SunPC accelerator 486DX 25MHz SBus
501-1996     SBus GX framebuffer
501-2015     SBus fast SCSI and second Ethernet controller
501-2020     SX graphics SBus
501-2039     GX+ graphics accelerator SBus
501-2055     690MP CPU
501-2196     32M SIMM for SPARCserver 1000 and SPARCcenter 2000
501-2218     SPARCstation 10/20 CPU module 33MHz
501-2239     SPARC 10/30 SuperSPARC MBus module, 36MHz
501-2247     SPARCserver 1000 motherboard
501-2248     SPARCserver 1000 motherboard
501-2253     Turbo GX Plus framebuffer
501-2258     SM41 40MHz SPARC module
501-2259     motherboard SPARCstation 10
501-2270     SM41 Sparc module 40MHz SPARCstation 10, 4/6xx, SPARCserver 1000
501-2274     SPARCstation 10 motherboard
501-2306     4M VSIMM
501-2324     SPARCstation 20 motherboard
501-2325     Turbo GX/cg6 framebuffer/graphics accelerator SBus 13W3
501-2334     SPARCcenter 2000 motherboard
501-2336     SPARCserver 1000 motherboard
501-2338     SPARCserver 1000 motherboard
501-2352     SM51 Sparc module
501-2353     50MHz SPARC module
501-2359     40MHz Sparc 10/600/2000 CPU module
501-2365     Sparc 10GT CPU
501-2471     32M SIMM SPARCstation 5
501-2479     16M SIMM 60ns SPARCstation 20
501-2480     64M SIMM SPARCstation 20
501-2480     64M SIMM 60ns SPARCstation 2/5
501-2482     8M video memory
501-2528     50MHz SPARC module
501-2543     60MHz SPARC module
501-2601     50MHz SPARC module
501-2622     32M SIMM for SPARCstation 20
501-8005     color framebuffer VME
501-8006     memory board
501-8020     mono framebuffer 1152x900 VME
501-8028     3/E single-board VME CPU
501-8029     color framebuffer 1152x900 VME
501-8035     4/E (SPARCengine 1E) single-board VME CPU
501-8043     mg1 framebuffer SBus DB9
501-8044     cg3 framebuffer SBus
501-8058     4/E (SPARCengine 1E) single-board VME CPU
523-2113     ROM for cg8 framebuffer 3/60 P4
525-1071     4/2xx boot PROM
525-1074     4/2xx boot PROM
525-1075     4/2xx boot PROM
525-1076     4/2xx boot PROM
525-1112     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) NVRAM
525-1184     Sparc 10 NVRAM
530-1025     34-conductor ribbon cable
530-1054     2/120 internal serial cable
530-1056     null modem cable
530-1282     SCSI cable/external connector for 270-1059
530-1378     SMD disk cables
530-1379     SMD disk cables
530-1440     1.2M color video cable
530-1442     1.8M keyboard cable
530-1443     4.6M keyboard cable
530-1446     color video cable DB13W3 to 4BNC
530-1451     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) internal SCSI cable
530-1452     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) 34-conductor floppy cable
530-1453     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) DC power harness
530-1479     5M mini-DIN 8 to DB-15 keyboard cable
530-1503     2M SCSI cable
530-1509     15" cg6 video cable
530-1594     audio cable
630-1621     386i video/keyboard cable
530-1662     1M serial port cable
530-1675     DC tray harness
530-1679     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) floppy DC power cable
530-1680     SCSI-2 to SPARCprinter parallel port cable
530-1681     power harness
530-1738     S2000 AC distribution to power supply cable
530-1741     S2000 fan DC power cable
530-1793     SCSI-2 cable
530-1829     1M SCSI-2 to D50 cable
530-1836     2M SCSI-2 cable
530-1847     Sparc 10 internal SCSI cable
530-1848     Sparc 10 DC power cable
530-1870     1.2M video cable
530-1881     690 differential SCSI tray DC harness
530-1883     690 20cm external differential SCSI cable
530-1885     690 2M external differential SCSI cable
530-1886     690 12M external differential SCSI cable
530-1904     690 3M internal differential SCSI cable
540-1005     19" mono monitor 1152x900
540-1029     19" mono monitor 1152x900
540-1062     19" mono monitor (Philips M19P114A) 1152x900
540-1094     19" color monitor (Hitachi) 4BNC
540-1240     19" mono monitor (Moniterm VR1000L20) 1152x900 DB9
540-1343     19" grayscale monitor 2BNC
540-1357     19" mono monitor (Philips) DB9
540-1358     19" mono monitor (Philips) DB9
540-1427     19" mono monitor (Motorola) 1600x1280 DB9
540-1514     19" grayscale monitor 1152x900 2BNC
540-1533     19" mono monitor (Philips)
540-1702     3/80 chassis
540-1751     fan in Sun-3 shoebox
540-1802     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) DC fan assembly
540-1813     CDC 688M SMD disk
540-1993     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) chassis with speaker
540-2005     911M 6M/sec IPI disk
540-2024     power supply
540-2191     HSI/S patch assembly
540-2220     Sparc 10 speaker box
540-2240     SunPC i486DX 25MHz SBus
555-1200     670/690 boot PROM kit (set of four)
570-1421     Network coprocessor (NC400) VME
595-1509     Sun-3 shoebox
595-1711     150M 1/4" Archive tape drive
595-2062     serial/parallel SBus
595-2249     4/75 (SPARCstation 2) boot PROM kit

    Announcement Dates/List Prices

   "SS" is SPARCstation. "SServ" is SPARCserver. "SCL" is SPARCclassic.
"SC" is SPARCcenter. "SCLU" is SPARCcluster.

Model           Year                    List Prices
                        Feb 91  Mar 91  Apr 91  Jun 92  Jul 93  Jul 94

3/140S          1985    $17900- =       =
3/160S                   18900

3/50M           1986    $5495   =       =

3/260HM                 $30900  =       =

3/160M                  $25400  =       =

3/160G                  $25400  =       =

3/160C                  $33400  =       =

3/60            1987    $9450   =       =

3/60S                   $9540   =       =

3/140M                  $17200  =       =

3/160CXP                $38400  =       =

3/260CXP                $50400  =       =

4/260                   $39800  =       =

4/260C                  $50800  =       =

4/260CXP                $62300  =       =

386i/150        1988    $9490   =       =

386i/250                $11490  =       =

4/110                   $19950  =       =

4/110TC                 $31250  =       =

4/280                   $40200  =       =

4/150CXP                $44900  =       =

4/150TAAC               $74900  =       =

GXi/150         1989    $12990- =       =

GXi/250                 $17990- =       =

3/80                    $5995   =       =

3/80GX                  $13995- =       =
3/80FGX                  17495

3/80TC                  $15495  =       =

3/470                   $34900  =       =

3/470GX                 $42900- =       =

3/470S                  $45900  =       =

3/480S                  $48900  =       =

3/470GXP                $48900- =       =

SS1                     $8995   =       =

SServ1                  $13900  =       =

SS1GX                   $14955- =       =

SServ330                $28900  =       =       =       =

SS330                   $29900  =       =       =       =

SS330GX                 $37900  =       =       =

SS330GXP                $38900- =       =       =
SS330CXP                 39900

SS370                   $42900  =       =       =       =

SS370GX                 $50900- =       =       =

SServ370                $53900  =       =       =       =

SS330VX                 $55900  =       =       =

SS370GXP                $64900- =       =       =
SS370CXP                 65900

SServ390                $78900  =       =       =       =

SS470VX                 $86900  =       =       =

SServ490                $99900  $114900 =       =       =

SS SLC          1990    $4995   =       =

SS IPC                  $7995   =       $9995   $5995   $9995?

SS IPC GX               $12495  =       =       =

SS1+                    $13900  =       =

SS2                     $14995  =       =       $14295  =

SS2GX                   $17995  =       =       $16995  =

SS2GXplus                                       $22495  =

SServ1+                 $19900  =       =

SServ2                  $24595  =       =       $15195  =

SS2GS                   $26995  =       =       $22495  =

SS2GT                   $49995  =       =       $36495  =

SS470GX                 $69900- =       =       =
SS470GXP                 125900

SServ470                $59900  $89900  =       =       =

SS ELC          1991                            $3995   =

SS IPX                                          $9995   =

SServ630MP                                      $45500

SServ630MP/41                                           $47000

SServ670MP/41                                           $56000

SServ670MP                                      $60000

SServ630MP/52                                           $60500

SServ670MP/52                                           $69500

SServ690MP/41                                           $76000

SServ630MP/54                                           $78500

SServ670MP/54                                           $91500

SServ690MP                                      $92000

SServ690MP/52                                           $101500

SServ690MP/54                                           $119500

SCL             1992                                    $4295   $2995

SCL Serv                                                $5295   =

SS LX                                                   $7995   =

SS Voyager                                              $13995  $9995

SServ10/30                                                      $13995

SS3                                             $15495  =

SS10/30                                         $18495  =       =

SS10/41                                         $24995  $22745  =

SServ10/41                                              $23495

SS10/512MP                                              $33745  =

SS10/52                                         $39995  $37295

SServ600MP                                      $47000  =

SS10/54                                         $57995  $45745  =

SServ10/54                                              $47095

SC2000/2                                                $95000  =

SCL X           1993                                            $2545

SCL M                                                           $4795

SS 10SX                                                         $15495

SServ10/40                                              $16245  $15495

SS10/40                                                 $20745  $15995

SS10/30LC                                               $15995  =

SS 10GX                                                         $15995

SS 10M                                                          $17095

SS ZX                                                           $19995

SServ10/51                                              $23245  $20245

SServ10/402MP                                           $22245  =

SS10/402MP                                              $24745  $23745

SS10/51                                                 $27745  $23745

SS 10TurboGXplus                                                $22745

SS10/402MP                                                      $23745

SS10/51                                                         $23745

SS 10ZX                                                         $28745

SServ10/512MP                                                   $33095

SS10/514MP                                                      $45745

SServ1000/2                                             $36700  $46700

SServ10/514MP                                                   $47095

SCLU 1                                                          $85000

SServ1000/8                                                     $131300

SC2000/8                                                        $197600

SC2000/20                                                       $1200000

SS5             1994                                            $3995-

SServ5                                                          $8995

SS20/50                                                         $12195

SServ20                                                         $12995

SS20/502                                                        $14195

SS20M                                                           $14590

SS20/51                                                         $15195

SS20/61                                                         $16195

SS20/612                                                        $22495

SS20/514                                                        $29995

    Author's Notes

   I have SunOS 2.0, 2.2 (upgrade from 2.0), 3.2, 3.4 (upgrade from
3.2), 3.5, 4.0, and 4.0.3 for Sun-2's. If you have SunOS 1.x on QIC-11
(20M) cartridge tapes, I would like to get a copy. If you need boot
tapes in QIC-11 (20M) format, I can provide the version (2.x or 3.x) of
your choice for the cost of tapes and shipping. The copies of SunOS 4.x
that I have are on QIC-24 (60M) tapes. So far, I have not been able to
install on my 2/120's because they refuse to boot from a QIC-24 tape


   Much of the information in CPU/CHASSIS was contributed by Al Kossow
([email protected])

   "Guy" contributed notes on SF9010/MB86900 and 4/1xx and 4/2xx FPUs

   Additional information in CPU/CHASSIS confirmed by/added from and the
cardcage configuration tables added from Sun document "Cardcage Slot
Assignments and Backplane Configuration Procedures", P/N 813-2004-10,
Revision A of 5/13/87

   Additional information in CPU/CHASSIS (and all infomation in the
Announcement Dates/List Prices section) confirmed by/added from Data
Sources Reports on Computer Select CD-ROMs from February 1991, March
1991, April 1991, June 1992, July 1993, and July 1994

   Information on 3/2xx CPU boards added from Sun document "Sun 501-1206
CPU Board Configuration Procedures", P/N 813-2017-05, Revision A of 10
October 1986

   Information on 3/2xx CPU boards and 501-1102 3/2xx memory boards
added from Sun document "Preliminary Installation Notes for the
Sun-3/200 Board Set", P/N 800-1618-02, Revision 02 of 8 December 1986.
The Sun document "Hardware Installation Manual for the 3/260
Workstation", P/N 800-1528-05, Revision A of 10 October 1986 contained
identical information

   Information on 501-1102 3/2xx memory boards added from Sun document
"Sun 501-1102 Memory Board Configuration Procedures", P/N 813-2018-05,
Revision A of 10 October 1986

   Information on 3/50 motherboard added from Sun document "Sun 3/50
Desktop Workstation Hardware Installation Manual", P/N 800-1355-05,
Revision A of 31 January 1986

   Information on 3/60 motherboard added from Sun document "Hardware
Installation Manual for the Sun-3/60 Workstation", P/N 800-1987-05,
Revision 50 of 14 August 1987

   Information on 2/120 CPU boards and other Multibus boards added from
Sun document "Sun-2/120 Hardware Installation Manual", Revision A of 15
April 1985

   Information on Emulex MT-02 SCSI/QIC-02 board added from Sun document
"Sun-3 Emulex MT02 Controller Configuration Procedures", P/N
813-2011-01, Revision 50 of 16 May 1986

   Information on Emulex MT-02 SCSI/QIC-02 board added from Sun document
"Installation and Service Manual for the Sun-3/180 Tape Drive Option",
P/N 813-1016-02, Revision A of 31 May 1986

   Information on video standards added from online manpages from SunOS
3.5 (sun2), 4.1.1 (sun3), and 4.1.3U1 (sun4)

   Information on SCSI and IPI disk performance added from Sun document
"Sun's SCSI Disk Drives, Performance Brief", dated August 1991

   SPEC information from the file maintained by John DiMarco, available
via anonymous ftp from, dated

   Random facts contributed by or extracted from postings by:
        James W. Adams ([email protected])
        Brad Albom
        Larry Beaulieu
        Scott Bobo
        Robert Bonomi
        Gavin Brebner ([email protected])
        John Britanik ([email protected])
        David Brownlee ([email protected])
        Alain Brossard
        Rick Caldwell
        Chuck Cranor ([email protected])
        Alvin Cura
        Craig Dewick
        Casper H. S. Dik
        Robert Dinse
        John DiMarco
        Paul Dodd ([email protected])
        Kyle Downey ([email protected])
        Toerless Eckert ([email protected])
        Winston Edmond
        Peter Eriksson
        Thaddeus P. Floryan
        Curt Freeland
        Fletcher Glenn
        Guy Harris ([email protected])
        Andrew Harrison
        Joe Hartley
        Mark C. Henderson
        Hans Holmberg
        Syed Zaeem Hosain
        Perry Hutchinson ([email protected])
        Matt Jacob
        Dan Kahn ([email protected])
        Malome Khomo
        Beyung Kim
        Peter Koch
        Thomas Landgraf
        Robert A. Larson ([email protected])
        Mary Lindstrom
        Jim Lyle
        Ken Mandelberg
        Jon Mandrell
        Jeff Miller
        Jim Mintha ([email protected])
        James E. Moody Jr.
        Chuck Narad ([email protected])
        Ron Nash
        Cave Newt ([email protected])
        DoN. Nichols
        John O'Connor
        Jukka Oraj{rvi ([email protected])
        Bruce Orchard ([email protected])
        Stephen Palm
        John Patrick ([email protected])
        Edward Pendzik
        Richard Ravich
        David Robinson
        Stephen J. Roznowski
        David Rushkin
        Wolfram Schmidt ([email protected])
        Jim Seamans
        Shane Sigler
        Vik P. Solem
        Scott Statton
        Wen-King Su
        Markus Tacke
        Hugo Tafel
        Ren Tescher ([email protected])
        Robert Tseng
        Wolfram Wagner
        Dave Watson
        Don Williams
        Lew Wolfgang
        [email protected]
        [email protected] (../Steven)
        [email protected]
        [email protected]
        [email protected]
        [email protected]

   And of course thanks to Carl Mueller, the originator of the
pseudo-FAQ for comp.sys.sun.hardware, the seed from which this reference